Next events in Finland

Explore Helsinki with a fun scavenger hunt adventure! Solve puzzles as you uncover the city’s iconic sights and hidden gems.
Helsinki, 1 Läntinen Teatterikuja
Saturday, 15 February
Paid entrance
DevCon Tampere is a one-day conference for game developers, researchers, and students.
Tampere, Alaverstaanraitti 5
Saturday, 15 February
Paid entrance
Embark on a journey of creativity and relaxation as you explore different artistic mediums.
Helsinki, 21 Lönnrotinkatu
Saturday, 15 February
Paid entrance
Journey to the far reaches of beautiful Finland in Winter to witness one of the most spellbinding phenomena in the natural world by night.
Kittilä, 259 Levintie
Till Wednesday, 19 February
Join us every Saturday at 6:00 PM at GTC Café for an exciting Mafia event!
Helsinki, 21 Lönnrotinkatu
Saturday, 15 February
Join us for a fun and informative walking tour of Helsinki without spending a dime!
Helsinki, Hallituskatu
Till Sunday, 16 February
Paid entrance
Enjoy a day filled with fun, food, and shopping! Explore game zones, tasty food stalls, shopping booths, live music, quizzes, and win prizes
Vantaa, 10 Kaivosvoudintie
Sunday, 16 February
Paid entrance
Come join us on Sunday to learn the Falun Dafa exercises and sitting meditation!
Helsinki, 39 Mechelininkatu
Sunday, 16 February
Paid entrance
Looking for a fun Saturday evening? Join us for Hub Karaoke Night at GTC Cafe!
Helsinki, 21 Lönnrotinkatu
Sunday, 16 February
Paid entrance
ISTQB® FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE The aim of this course is to provide you with the knowledge and skills to pass an exam certifying you as
Helsinki, Regus
Monday, 17 February
A matchmaking event for digi & game industry companies and students from Jamk University Of Applied Sciences to find the best internships!
Jyväskylä, Matarankatu 2
Tuesday, 18 February
Paid entrance
Welcome to the Finnish Café! Here you can practice Finnish in a relaxed atmosphere with others by a cup of coffee.
Tampere, 63 Jokipohjantie
Tuesday, 18 February
Learn how to create a successful business using the Business Model Canvas with a focus on putting the customer first in this workshop!
Helsinki, 5 Pietari Kalmin katu
Wednesday, 19 February
Paid entrance
Join us for an exciting event as we explore the world of academia through portraits.
Helsinki, 4 Yliopistonkatu
Wednesday, 19 February
Write together, for a day or two, in Wivi Lönn's Writers' House. Kirjoitetaan yhdessä1 tai 2 päivän ajan Wivi Lönnin Kirjailijatalossa.
Jyväskylä, 26 B Seminaarinkatu
Thursday, 20 February
Write together, for a day or two, in Wivi Lönn's Writers' House. Kirjoitetaan yhdessä1 tai 2 päivän ajan Wivi Lönnin Kirjailijatalossa.
Jyväskylä, 26 B Seminaarinkatu
Thursday, 20 February
Climate Fresk is a powerful tool for providing a quality climate education.
Helsinki, 4 Töölönlahdenkatu
Thursday, 20 February
Join us for Climate Fresk – Junior Workshop where kids will learn about climate change through fun activities and interactive sessions!
Helsinki, 4 Töölönlahdenkatu
Thursday, 20 February
Fat Lizard Comedy Club proves that Espoo isn’t just unintentionally funny.
Espoo, Lämpömiehenkuja 3
Thursday, 20 February
A networking event between companies located in Tampere region and talents
Tampere, 8 Åkerlundinkatu
Friday, 21 February
Paid entrance
Get ready to connect with top real estate professionals from all over the world at our Business to Business Real Estate Worldwide Event!
Helsinki, 16 Lapinlahdenkatu
Friday, 21 February
Paid entrance
Group of designers showcasing works that should belong in their portfolios. Bring your source of jealousy into the open.
Tampere, 21 A Finlaysoninkuja
Friday, 21 February
You are invited to watch the Documentary- Home and Away
Turku, 4 Nunnankatu
Saturday, 22 February
Let your child dive into the excitement of a free robotics workshop on 22nd February, 02:30 PM EET.
Helsinki, 1 Messuaukio
Saturday, 22 February
This time SOK ecomm product leads Emilia Ala-Kurikka and Mikko Lehtoniemi will talk about "Building a culture around customer needs"
Helsinki, 46a Aleksanterinkatu
Wednesday, 26 February
Paid entrance
Come and hear two presentations around HR x AI and enjoy breakfast at the same time!
Helsinki, 3 Kansakoulukatu
Thursday, 27 February
Paid entrance
Service Design peer-to-peer discussion meetings organized by the SDN Finland
Helsinki, 4 Vilhonkatu
Thursday, 27 February
Paid entrance
A panel discussion by professors of the Department of Design of Aalto University about the past, present and future of design.
Espoo, 2 Otakaari
Thursday, 27 February
Paid entrance
Yrittäjyys on tunteiden vuoristorataa, puhutaan siitä. Tervetuloa keskustelemaan aiheesta muiden yrittäjien kanssa. Tutustutaan tunteilla.
Helsinki, 2 C Kaikukatu
Thursday, 27 February
Jackie – Tyttö ja kuolema IV on Yhdysvaltain ikonisimman ensimmäisen naisen Jackie Kennedyn kautta käytävä mielensisäinen matka.
Tampere, 25 Hämeenkatu
Friday, 28 February
Paid entrance
VPF New Year Gathering, a meet-up for 200+ Vietnamese professionals in Finland
Helsinki, 7a Hietaniemenkatu
Sunday, 2 March
Paid entrance
A workshop that allows you to explore your relationship with yourself through photography and creativity at Photographic Gallery Hippolyte.
Helsinki, 8-10 Yrjönkatu
Sunday, 2 March
Get ready to the EU Ecodesign regulation and Green Transition — Circular Design ensures your competitiveness in the market shift!
Helsinki, To Be Announced
Tuesday, 4 March
Paid entrance
Learn how to integrate artificial intelligence seamlessly into your SaaS product at our event!
Helsinki, 16 Lapinlahdenkatu
Tuesday, 4 March
Join us for a delicious breakfast and inspiring panel discussion celebrating International Women's Day!
Helsinki, 9a Aleksanterinkatu
Friday, 7 March
Paid entrance
Dive into inspiring journeys, companies' initiatives & explore training opportunities at this event to celebrate International Women's Day.
Tampere, Satakunnankatu 18A
Friday, 7 March
Paid entrance
Встреча, вдохновляющая на перемены!
Helsinki, 22 Eteläesplanadi
Friday, 7 March
Join LSEAA Finland for the 2025 Alumni Ball Dinner with keynote speech from Alberto Torres, Senior Advisor at McKinsey, former Nokia Exec.
Helsinki, 14 Fabianinkatu
Friday, 7 March
Join us for a fun and creative Watercolor Art Workshop where you can unleash your artistic side and learn new painting techniques!
Helsinki, 1 Iso Roobertinkatu
Saturday, 8 March
An incredible 7 day journey to connect to yourself, likeminded people and nature.
Mikkeli, Mikkeli
Monday, 10 March
Tule mukaan tutustumaan LR:n tarjoamiin mahdollisuuksiin liiketoiminnassa sekä hyvinvoinnissa!
Jakobstad, 3A Rosenlundsgatan
Tuesday, 11 March
Paid entrance
Help Me Help You. A movement celebrating the success of moving forward when we are driven by a common cause.
Helsinki, 7 Toinen linja
Thursday, 13 March
Paid entrance
Tule mukaan vaikuttamaan lähiluontoon!
Espoo, 11 Ukkohauentie
Wednesday, 19 March
Paid entrance
Featuring International award-winning comedians Danny O' Brien, Elena Gabrielle & some VERY special guests on every show!
Helsinki, 10 Museokatu
Wednesday, 19 March
A workshop presented by Dr Sharon Lewis with lecture material and clinical video
Helsinki, 1 Pieni Roobertinkatu
Thursday, 20 March
Paid entrance
AI as a socratic partner: Designing LLMs (Large Language Models) to prioritize curiosity over certainty
Thursday, 20 March
Red Mic is bringing the best comedians from around the globe to Helsinkifor one night only!
Helsinki, 11 Pengerkatu
Tuesday, 25 March
MeasureCamp is an open, free-to-attend unconference, different to any other web analytics conference held around the world.
Helsinki, 12 Kalevankatu
Saturday, 29 March
Paid entrance
Valmistaudu lumoavaan 90-minuuttiseen spektaakkeliin, jossa ikoniset rock- ja metallikappaleet yhdistyvät koskettavan kauniiseen tunnelmaan.
Hämeenlinna, 2 Paasikiventie
Tuesday, 8 April
Get ready for the ultimate recognition of top-notch employers in Finland at the Magnet Employer Branding Awards 2025!
Helsinki, Sörnäisten Rantatie
Thursday, 10 April
Paid entrance
Perfect for locals, expats, and immigrants, this show invites everyone to laugh at modern life’s absurdities.
Helsinki, 10 Museokatu
Thursday, 10 April
Experience the local ́s view to the lifestyle, culture, soul and city center sights of the capital of the happiest country in the world.
Helsinki, Senate Square
Saturday, 3 May
Let's come together at Crush 2025 Business Conference: REBEL TOGETHER and shake things up in the business world!
Helsinki, 14 Fabianinkatu
Wednesday, 14 May
Paid entrance
Meet top tech companies and teams in Helsinki and network with proffesionals!
Tuesday, 20 May
Unieke retreat in Finland. Natuur, yoga, Ayurveda, meditatie, holistisch, avontuur en natural workouts.
Turku, Artukantie 58
Monday, 28 July
Slush—the world's leading startup event and the largest gathering of VC on the planet. Coming Nov 19–20, 2025 to Helsinki, Finland.
Helsinki, 1 Messuaukio
Wednesday, 19 November

This weekend in Finland

Explore Helsinki with a fun scavenger hunt adventure! Solve puzzles as you uncover the city’s iconic sights and hidden gems.
Helsinki, 1 Läntinen Teatterikuja
Saturday, 15 February
Paid entrance
DevCon Tampere is a one-day conference for game developers, researchers, and students.
Tampere, Alaverstaanraitti 5
Saturday, 15 February
Paid entrance
Embark on a journey of creativity and relaxation as you explore different artistic mediums.
Helsinki, 21 Lönnrotinkatu
Saturday, 15 February
Paid entrance
Journey to the far reaches of beautiful Finland in Winter to witness one of the most spellbinding phenomena in the natural world by night.
Kittilä, 259 Levintie
Till Wednesday, 19 February
Join us every Saturday at 6:00 PM at GTC Café for an exciting Mafia event!
Helsinki, 21 Lönnrotinkatu
Saturday, 15 February
Join us for a fun and informative walking tour of Helsinki without spending a dime!
Helsinki, Hallituskatu
Till Sunday, 16 February
Paid entrance
Enjoy a day filled with fun, food, and shopping! Explore game zones, tasty food stalls, shopping booths, live music, quizzes, and win prizes
Vantaa, 10 Kaivosvoudintie
Sunday, 16 February
Paid entrance
Come join us on Sunday to learn the Falun Dafa exercises and sitting meditation!
Helsinki, 39 Mechelininkatu
Sunday, 16 February
Paid entrance
Looking for a fun Saturday evening? Join us for Hub Karaoke Night at GTC Cafe!
Helsinki, 21 Lönnrotinkatu
Sunday, 16 February
Paid entrance
ISTQB® FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE The aim of this course is to provide you with the knowledge and skills to pass an exam certifying you as
Helsinki, Regus
Monday, 17 February
A matchmaking event for digi & game industry companies and students from Jamk University Of Applied Sciences to find the best internships!
Jyväskylä, Matarankatu 2
Tuesday, 18 February
Paid entrance
Welcome to the Finnish Café! Here you can practice Finnish in a relaxed atmosphere with others by a cup of coffee.
Tampere, 63 Jokipohjantie
Tuesday, 18 February

Suggested events